Connie is a native born, 7th generation Texan, a child of the 50’s, teenager in the 60’s, a young mother of four children, 3 boys and a girl in the late 60’s – 70’s, a grandmother in 1991, acquiring a total of 14 grandchildren ranging in ages 32 to 4 yrs old.  Connie passed her State Board exams in October of 1972 becoming an LVN, primarily working in the OR, and later, in private duty.

Eight days before her 40th birthday she became a grandmother for the first time to a captivatingly handsome little man named Gage!  All else paled to being the best grandmother ever!

In 2001 Connie, and her entire family, suffered the greatest tragedy a parent can endure; she lost her only daughter to leukemia.  Her daughter’s 3 children, the youngest only 11 months old at that time, were her primary focus.  It was a very dark time in all their lives.

Since that time, being a good grandmother was paramount.  The rewards in life today are watching grandsons playing sports, mostly football.  Teaching the granddaughters sewing tricks and how to make a good pie crust!    

Connie married her husband, Randolph, in 1974, and they love to travel anywhere in the U.S., primarily by car, observing and enjoying the beauty of this great nation!  

As Connie grew up her patriotism was very important to her, and after she discovered her first American Revolutionary War Patriot in 2011, she joined the historic National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.  She held the position of Chaplain for two terms and is presently helping other ladies find their first Patriot by serving as her local chapter’s Registrar.  Searching a woman’s ancestral lines and finding Revolutionary War Patriots within their lineage truly blessed many an applicant!  Finding you were a descendant of one of the signers of our Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution, is a memorable moment!  Imagine the delight and surprise to discover you are a descendant of one of America’s earliest founders or your ancestor was a female spy for George Washington himself!  Providing help, or food to our troops, or even by signing a pledge of loyalty to the new fledgling nation, was an act of courage and patriotism! 

But, the single event that she most loves to talk about was when she had a personal encounter with the God of Creation in October of 1993.  It was as if she truly was “born again”.  The “why was I born” question was answered.  Instructions understood.  “There is no higher ‘high’ than discovering who you are to THE Creator of our universe, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and King David!” she is quoted many times as saying.

Connie is a researcher of numerous biblical topics.  “Why” do we do this?  “Why” don’t we do that?  “How” did the church evolve into its present condition? “Who”, exactly, is God, and “What” does He want from us? Exactly what message does the LORD convey through the telling of His parables?  These questions and so many others have prompted her to chronicle her thoughts, questions and Biblical answers into a book to share with any who are interested.  THE KINGDOM OF GOD? or YOUR GOLDEN CALF was birthed in September, 2020, while she sat with her mother in Hospice.  The book was finished in early June, 2023.  Her sincere hope is that each person reading this book will be blessed in some way and that it will make a positive difference in their lives.  

“Ask questions! Then, prove the answers with the one and only true authority, the written Word of God.” is her mantra.  This book delves into some difficult, and touchy,  subjects, such as the chapter entitled, Clean and Unclean: Is This Important?  Connie does not shy away from pointing out the obvious, God-spoken difference, and she uses everyday language and many Scriptural quotes, and everyday examples within the subject context, to prove her conclusions.  She insists that the Bible will interpret the Bible, then she moves forward to prove her theories.  

Connie is, also, very quick to jump to the defense of her pastors and lifelong teachers when, upon hearing her summary or reading her book, people become angry or sorely disappointed with their church’s leadership.  Her answer is to always to remind them that our Father, God in Heaven, has allowed the eyes of His people to be partially blinded in order that certain events and times be fulfilled!  He has always been protective of His children to only allow them the knowledge they need to live and work His Will at the time they existed!  She often says God has her on a “need to know” basis with any new information or understanding!  “In His time, in His time…God makes all things beautiful in His time…”  This is one of her favorite hymns, and she can often be found humming and quietly singing this song to herself.  

So, in conclusion of this Bio, Connie asks all to read THE KINGDOM OF GOD? or YOUR GOLDEN CALF? with a prayer for discernment and understanding of who God really is.  Is He truly the same yesterday, today and forever?  Or does He change with the culture of the times?  Once you read this book, it truly is for you to choose. 

An important update:

On September 23, 2023, while attending her local DAR chapter meeting, the membership was informed of the new by-laws enacted by the Washington DC leadership for the nation. Upon hearing even more “woke” by-laws, Connie decided that she could no longer be a member supporting the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution and their causes. It was a totally heartbreaking decision and not one taken lightly without much prayer and tears. Having just released her book on, there was nothing she could do except write a strongly worded letter of resignation and disappointment to this once respected organization. So, please disregard her former support of this organization. Each one of us must make many difficult choices in our lives concerning who, and what, to financially and vocally support. “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!” She made the hard choice, will you? May God in heaven bless and keep us all in the palm of His Mighty Hand.