
The Kingdom Of God? Or Your Golden Calf?

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What will be your position in the Millennial Kingdom of God? Who is outside the gates “weeping and gnashing” their teeth? Where is it located? When will this happen? Do you even care?

Originating in the story of the “golden calf” in Exodus 32, this phrase has long been the accepted term for the idols of mankind in the English-speaking world. But, what are the idols of your average Bible-believing churchgoer in the 21st century?
Do the parables of Messiah teach of the Kingdom of God?  What, specifically, can we learn of the coming Kingdom of God/Heaven, from our LORD’s parables?  
Join the author for the answer to questions you never thought to ask. Does God’s Word really say….? Dare to do a little thought provoking self-examination and research of what we, as lovers of God, have been taught is God’s Word and what His Word actually states. It will be an eye opening adventure and, very probably, ignite a more profound love and understanding for the Son of the Living God and His Ways.


Thirty years ago the seed was planted for this book.  It was not until 2020 and the chaos of the Covid crisis that the subject of this book was revealed to the author.  Many people are speaking of a Great Awakening, not unlike the Great Awakening that began in 1760, pre-Revolutionary War.  Suddenly, the Colonists realized that they were being treated like chattel, or slaves, to England.  In those days, England was the powerhouse of the world.  Even then, it was said that in truth, the sun never set on the territories of Great Britain.  King George the III was a very young and idealistic monarch.  He was determined to show the strength of his hand to the struggling Colonists of America.  He levied exorbitant taxes on the common man and allowed unfair business practices for his Loyalist Elites favoring them over the Colonists.  King George III was not a fair or righteous leader, and he soon lost the loyalties of his Colonist subjects.  

  Today, we the people of these United States of America, are seeing the same attitudes and practices going on within the Washington, D.C. elites, taking what freedoms Americans have enjoyed for over 247 years, and they are making laws to strip the common man and woman of all their rights.  Even going so far as teaching in schools that the children should lie to their parents, learn certain deviant sexual practices promoting  hedonism, and in some cases, teaching satanic practices to children as young as kindergarten!  This should never be!

In 2020 people began to research on the internet, a two-edged sword for sure, for what was taking place all over the country in cities, towns, hamlets and even some country schools in very conservative places.  The churches chose sides in the vaccine debate.  Some insisted on their parishioners getting a shot that they were opposed to in order to attend church services.  People were threatened with loss of their jobs if they refused to comply and get the shot.  Freedoms were being violated daily.

The year 2020 opened the eyes of the people of America and, yes, opened the eyes of the world!  Never before had anyone in the world experienced this kind of coercion to conform to a  world-wide order! Half, or more, refused and began to fight back.  Vaccine injuries were noted and deaths were high.  Slowly but surely, the people continued to see what the LORD was revealing and He was testing them to see whom they would trust and believe.

This book could not have been written, understood and embraced until the world began to see that what we had been taught to see as normal, and the way of the world practices, were lies, illusions and deceptions.  The author was aghast at all the truth in the Scriptures that had been twisted and misrepresented for centuries and beyond.

C.S. Johnson maintains that the Bible will interpret the Bible very explicitly!  This book takes the reader step-by-step through the Word, not taking one or two verses out of context, but patiently leads the reader throughout the entire chapter, if necessary, to see for themselves the conclusion of the matter.  Proving the Word is the way to the Father’s heart and reunites the believer with Truth.  

Traditions are acceptable, only, when they point biblically to the Truth, the Way and the Life.  Any tradition created to worship our Savior and King must not be mixed with a pagan commemoration day or event, for God hates their pagan days, their pagan ways.  Amos 5:1

He is the King; His House; His rules.  Obey and live.  Rebelling, doing what is right in your own eyes, will separate you from the Holy One. 

The Kingdom of God? or Your Golden Calf? is a guide for holy living according to God’s divine instructions.  Only the holy, in His eyes, in His parameters, will enjoy the treasures of Kingdom life.  Being outside the gates of the new Jerusalem, will be a sorrow that can’t be quenched.  The outer darkness will be a hard life indeed.  Strive to enter the narrow gate.  Choose The Kingdom of God.  Let our Master mold and make you after His Will.   

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 9 × 1 in
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